Monday, November 12, 2007

The Heart of the Son

My quote of the day from St. Francis de Sales:

Blessed is he who has the dispositions of a filial heart towards the paternal heart of our heavenly Father. ~St. Francis de Sales, Consoling Thoughts

He shall be a son to me, and I will be a father to him. ~1 Chronicles 22, 10

This gave me pause today. We always think about the "heart of the Father" towards us but rarely do we talk about the "heart of the son" toward the Father. This may be at the root of so much of our hurt. Spiritual counsel would tell us that many of our hang-ups about God have to do with our view of our fathers but now it's turned on its head. Perhaps our hang-ups have more to do with our view of ourselves as children.....Of course the two are intricately related but the first allows us to blame the other, the latter forces us to examine ourselves and our response to the other.

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